
Time to be a book worm!

I currently write for I write about graduate and student experiences for those looking for tips and advice.

Also shown are film reviews that I have wrote.

Other copy displayed is copy I have wrote for internships I have applied for in the past.

(COPY) Out of work, but dont give up

My next blog posts has been published on

Its about my experience after graduation, and how things change.

The stage was set, the audience ready. The curtain lifted and the crowds applauded as the graduates roared. Listening to their names they walked on stage. One by one they tipped their mortarboards and collected their degree from the Dean.  Into the air the mortarboards were thrown and the celebrations began….
Five months on from the amazing once in a life time event, I am still out of work, but still going.  My life certainly changed after graduation. Something I didn’t want to believe. I always thought once I graduated, I’d be employed within the summer. How wrong I was. I thought with the many different videos of extra work I produced in my spare time at university, I had a head start. But the truth is I was in the same spot, and now the same stat as all my fellow classmates. UNEMPLOYED!
I didn’t give up.  After the countless days updating my CV and cover letters, creating an “all star” linkedin account and showcasing all my work on youtube for the world to see. I was soon getting acquainted with my new friends in life… the many job hosting sites.
Meanwhile, it was looking glum after seeing some of my friends on facebook posting their success stories on how they’ve got job interviews and even a job, but soon it was my time to shine. I managed to gain two interviews, with two different companies doing similar jobs. Unfortunately I didn’t get either of the jobs. This really did put a downer on me and the way I thought, but I now see the positives in it. I managed to get interview with a company who works at Pinewood Studios, and also made it down to the last three from many for one interview. This is definitely two achievements to be proud of, especially after being called back for an interview in the first place. So always remember, THINK POSITIVE!
Since then, I’ve been doing just that. No matter how hard a time a graduate goes through, we get through it in the end. After all, only a third of graduates get a job straight away after graduating.  The key is to keep going , not give up, and keep yourself busy in things you enjoy doing, developing your skills when possible. For example, updating multiple social network sites shows that you have marketing skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks. That’s one thing I’ve been doing and writing this article proves that, especially when it’s getting yourself out there.
I am now working as an intern for BIP, a company in Birmingham who help businesses grow.  This is an unpaid internship I found online. I remember selling myself as much as I could at the interview stage in front of other applicants. To my joy I got a place!  As well as a moral boost, it has given me the chance to carry on producing videos and adding to my portfolio. I have had the honour of meeting the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and filming him to promote a technology expo.  I have also met other graduates and non graduates of different ages from the internship in the same position. The fact is you are not alone and shouldn’t put yourself down as others are unemployed and looking for jobs too.
Now a month on from when I first started at the BIP, I have two different offers. One a job, the other a four week paid internship with the option to carry on if successful. These are opportunities I applied for way back when I graduated. It just goes to prove, if you keep yourself going, opportunities soon pop up, so even if you’re out of work, keep going, and don’t give up.
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